Hi, my name is Josephine, welcome to my home page.

Is difficult to describe in a few words a person because we are so much more than a name, a title, a label, an occupation, a hobby, etc. But a part of being a heartwarming tree hugger, I can present myself as a counselor, a wife, a mother of two (now fully independent adults), and the reason why you are reading these words. . . a newcomer book writer.

I studied clinical psychology, I have more than 20 years of experience and since I moved to Canada, I have been working as a counselor, providing support and accompany people on their journey towards well-being.


7 Bits of Mindfulness for Kids

Guided exercises for parents and teachers about self and social awareness for the little ones.

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7 Bits of Atención Plena (Mindfulness) para niños.

Ejercicios guiados para Padres y Profesores, sobre el “Yo” y la Conciencia Social para los Pequeños.

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The Blue Pine and the Apple Tree

A heartwarming tale of friendship, caring, and self-consciousness for kids.

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El Pino y el Manzano

Un cuento de amistad, entre ayuda y autoconocimiento para niños.

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Die blaue Kiefer und der Apfelbaum

Eine herzerwärmende Geschichte über Freundschaft, Zuneigung und Selbstvertrauen für Kinder.

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Le Sapin et le Pommier

Une histoire d'amitié et de connaissance de soi pour les enfants.

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These books are dedicated to:

  • All the parents that are always looking for ways to spend quality time with their child in a way that’s enjoyable and playful, and also supports their little one’s development and learning.

  • For the lovely teachers who want to create a safe space for students to express, feel, and understand their emotions in order to create a better environment in the classroom.

I would like to hear from you, please send me your comments, and if you can take a minute to review my books at your preferred online bookstore, would be very much appreciated. Thank you!
